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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Pharakchand, You are part of moneycontrol’s investor community. Click to explore

Dear Pharakchand,

Welcome to moneycontrol.com messageboard (M3)
You are now part of moneycontrol.com’s community of savvy traders & investors.

What is moneycontrol.com messageboard (M3)?
moneycontrol.com messageboard (M3) is the biggest online active community stock & commodity investors. You will find the street/community buzz on your portfolio stocks here. You are also privy to first-hand price sensitive rumours on your stocks doing the rounds.

» Explore Messageboard (M3)

How to use moneycontrol.com messageboard (M3)?
To ensure that you will always remain updated on the market buzz on your investments we suggest you do the following
-Follow the stocks & commodities you are tracking on M3
-Follow boarders actively posting messages on your investments
-Follow Authenticated boarders (moneycontrol.com official users) eg: Market Statistician, MMB Messenger.
-Post your queries or share your tips on the relevant stock and commodity topics.
Investor community on moneycontrol.com messageboard (M3)
moneycontrol.com messageboard (M3) is home to over 2,00,000 active boarders and it is a rich community of business information and investor interaction. To build the creditability of our community we promote our users to higher levels based on their activity level and following on M3. The Platinum level members are our top boarders followed by Gold, Silver and Newbie. You are currently a Newbie boarder.
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Discussions on current topics

» Browse Stock Messages

We are looking forward to many informative exchanges and tips from you. Go ahead M3 is all yours to explore. (You can stay anonymous & interact with the community by creating a unique nickname on M3.)
-MMB Moderator
(Moneycontrol Messageboard Moderator)

P.S: Do network with the savvy community of investors on M3 and keep those messages coming. We will be happy to have your suggestions and feedback.
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