Understanding how to find online auto insurance quotes can be a great way to simplify the often tedious process of obtaining auto insurance. In the same amount of time it once took you to research and contact a single insurance company, now you can find a dozen or more, all only a mouse click away. And the best part? After you have reviewed quotes from as many car insurance companies as you want, you can complete the entire application process online as well!
The first step in finding online auto insurance quotes is to decide whether you prefer to shop by a single insurance company, or to use a website that allows you to compare auto insurance quotes from many different companies at once. If you choose the former, simply use a search engine to locate the website for the individual insurance company. Some popular websites are Progressive.com, Geico.com, and Allstate.com. If you would like to obtain and compare online car insurance quotes from a variety of companies at one time, some good options include: Insurance.com, AutoInsureMe.com, or 2Insure4Less.com.
Once you have decided on a website and would like to obtain an auto insurance quote, you will be required to enter some general information, such as name and address, to begin the application process. Typical applications will then ask for details such as: information on the car(s) you wish to insure, information on the driver(s), facts about any driving-related incidents in your recent past, and what type and amount of coverage you are seeking.
After completing the application, you will be presented with your personalized car insurance quote(s) either by e-mail, or on the website itself. Carefully compare your options, making sure to note all differences in coverage. When you have made your decision, click to contact the insurance company with the quote you choose.
When you speak with a representative from the auto insurance company of your choice, you will need to tell them what date you would like your new auto insurance policy to take effect. It is very important to make sure that you begin your new policy ON OR BEFORE the date that your previous policy expires. Even a single day of gap between coverage of the two policies could result in your having to pay a hefty fine to the state.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Elizabeth_Sekora
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